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Post subject: Salam Alaikum |
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Asslamu Alaikum
I found this forum by Brother AhamdBaghat's discussions on FFI. Looks interesting.
Is this for Qur'an only Muslims?
Wa'salam |
Thu 18 Jan, 2007 3:14 am |
Life Pawn

Status:  Age: 85 Faith: Islam
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W'salaam Goku,
Welcome to FI and glad to hear you find this place interesting.
This place is for everyone and specially Muslims regardless of any titles. Feel free to express yourself. |
Thu 18 Jan, 2007 4:57 am |

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Thanks for the welcome.
Technically I am a Sunni Muslim but i like to call myself just a Muslim because the Qur'an advises us not to create sects and divisions. I still believe in the Hadith though.
I see you have a lot of features here, including some games.
Thu 18 Jan, 2007 6:20 am |
AhmedBahgat Site Admin

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Salam brother Goku
I'm reallu delighted that you joined us, yes mate there is a lot of features in here and we are still adding more, there are 100 games, many are addicted btw as well we can play chess and the game will be saved as long as we wish
I have to say mate, that this is not a Quran alone web site, this is a Muslim web site, it is for those Muslims who have brains and can filter the corruption of the hadith then throw it in the rubbish bin
i.e. I follow the hadith but only the ones that are qualified by the Quran and the common sesne at the same time, mostly the hadith regarding the rituals are the most important ones to seek for further elaboration by the great prophet, indeed I found that only the rituals hadith are the ones to consider, other than that any adith that talks abbout any subject that was never mentioned in the Quran must be ignored as I do believe that taking laws fron humans in addition to Allah laws must constitute a clear cut case of shirk
may Allah guides us all bro
welcome again
Cheers _________________ |
Thu 18 Jan, 2007 7:16 am |

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Jazak Allah Khair Brother Ahmad for the very warm welcome. Yea i can see u got a lot of nifty games here, i'd play chess but i dont know how to. Have you heard that chess is apparently discouraged in Islam? I tried the air force game, i see u got the high score on it.
Might i say that you have been doing great on FFI. You know the Arabic Quran as well as English and you post both Arabic and English and make lengthy posts thouroughly refuting the disbelievers at FFI. I dont know Arabic so its nice to see someone fluent in Arabic refuting them using Arabic Quran so they cant pull any tricks.
As for Hadith, what about those highlighting the rewards for saying certain praises to God? Also, the Quran says "obey Allah and obey the messenger" so does that not mean we have to believe the hadith? It can get confusing because i used to think every Muslim accepted hadith, then i find out theres Quran only Muslims and some Hadith accepting Muslims call them deviants.
Here's a lengthy debate in which Quran only Muslims and hadith believing Muslims debated, see what u think if u have time:
Walaikum Salam |
Thu 18 Jan, 2007 11:53 am |
SlaveofAllaah Site Admin

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Salam brother Goku,
Great to see you in this forum. I agree with brother AB well, Quran is a complete book but Hadith at times gives more explanation about the Quran regarding the context, the revelation of any particular verse, Performing of Hajj, Regarding prayers etc.
Rest Allaah knows the best. |
Thu 18 Jan, 2007 5:26 pm |
AhmedBahgat Site Admin

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Salam bro Guko
I skimmed quickly through bro, I wish I was part of that debate, I would have slam dunked both sects the Aloners and the Sunnis
what I can see with the ease clearly that all hadith worshippers are Mushrikoon
I will add many debates that I was involved in with the aloners and the sunni lateron inshallah
I'm neither of those confused sects, I'm only a Muslim who follow the Quran and anything in ther hadith that must be quaslified by the Quran and the common sense
Take care bro _________________ |
Thu 18 Jan, 2007 6:00 pm |
The Rook

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goku wrote:
Is this for Qur'an only Muslims?
# i aint a "quran-alone muslim" and i know of no quran-alone muslim..cuz hard as anybody triess/he has to lean upon some extra-quranic source to even get started! (-:
infact...most of the quran-aloners i have found are munafiqs (non-muslims pretending to be muslims) who take on the tag simply to propogate their own disbelief...and u will see sites propogating rejected works of liars like crone and wansbrough under the pretext of being quran-alone or god-alone!
## yes...i am critical of traditions...however, long as a tradition does not contradict the quran or an established fact (whatever it maybe) i do not insist on it being a forgery!
also, i dont consider shiites or sunnis to be mushriks...i hold them very much to be muslims...and they are always welcome to come and correct us when and where v go wrong!
and i do hope u will take out the time to trash us when u think v are going wrong! (-: |
Mon 29 Jan, 2007 11:24 pm |

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SlaveofAllaah wrote:
Salam brother Goku,
Great to see you in this forum. I agree with brother AB well, Quran is a complete book but Hadith at times gives more explanation about the Quran regarding the context, the revelation of any particular verse, Performing of Hajj, Regarding prayers etc.
Rest Allaah knows the best.
Wa'salam, yes indeed. Thanks.
AhmedBaghat wrote:
Salam bro Guko
I skimmed quickly through bro, I wish I was part of that debate, I would have slam dunked both sects the Aloners and the Sunnis
what I can see with the ease clearly that all hadith worshippers are Mushrikoon
I will add many debates that I was involved in with the aloners and the sunni lateron inshallah
I'm neither of those confused sects, I'm only a Muslim who follow the Quran and anything in ther hadith that must be quaslified by the Quran and the common sense
Take care bro
Wa'salam i will look forward to seeing your debates. What do you think of Sharia Law? If not the Hadith, should it be based on the Holy Qur'an only? |
Fri 02 Feb, 2007 2:13 am |

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The wrote:
goku wrote:
Is this for Qur'an only Muslims?
# i aint a "quran-alone muslim" and i know of no quran-alone muslim..cuz hard as anybody triess/he has to lean upon some extra-quranic source to even get started! (-:
infact...most of the quran-aloners i have found are munafiqs (non-muslims pretending to be muslims) who take on the tag simply to propogate their own disbelief...and u will see sites propogating rejected works of liars like crone and wansbrough under the pretext of being quran-alone or god-alone!
## yes...i am critical of traditions...however, long as a tradition does not contradict the quran or an established fact (whatever it maybe) i do not insist on it being a forgery!
also, i dont consider shiites or sunnis to be mushriks...i hold them very much to be muslims...and they are always welcome to come and correct us when and where v go wrong!
and i do hope u will take out the time to trash us when u think v are going wrong! (-:
Thank you.
The people who should be trashed (ie views put down) are the extreme haters of FFI,who rejoice at Muslim suffering and want a genocide across the world. |
Fri 02 Feb, 2007 2:15 am |
The Rook

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goku wrote:
Thank you.
# anytime! (-:
The people who should be trashed (ie views put down) are the extreme haters of FFI,who rejoice at Muslim suffering and want a genocide across the world.
# u are right bro... (-:
but i hope u will let us know when u disagree (or agree) with what the members here have to say! (-:
...and hopefully u will let us benefit from ur knowledge and thoughts! (-: |
Mon 05 Feb, 2007 6:26 am |
Life Pawn

Status:  Age: 85 Faith: Islam
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¹ Select º
The people who should be trashed (ie views put down) are the extreme haters of FFI,who rejoice at Muslim suffering and want a genocide across the world.
# u are right bro... (-:
Doesnt everyone has a right to breath? They are doing it in their home (ffi). Now why do you people go there to see the porn show ? Maybe this is exactly what they want! |
Mon 05 Feb, 2007 9:14 am |
The Rook

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life wrote:
Doesnt everyone has a right to breath? They are doing it in their home (ffi). Now why do you people go there to see the porn show ? Maybe this is exactly what they want!
# maybe! (-: |
Fri 09 Feb, 2007 12:01 am |