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Ervin Pawn

Status:  Age: 46 Faith: Gender:
Zodiac:  Joined: Nov 02, 2010
Posts: 10

Post subject: Meditation |
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What are everyones thoughts on sufi and Budhist meditations. I don't know much about sufi meditation but I have done some Budhist meditation in the past and it kind of felt pleasent.
Thanks |
Wed 03 Nov, 2010 1:54 pm |
AhmedBahgat Site Admin

Status:  Age: 59 Faith: Islam Gender:
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Salam mate
I found my meditation very relaxing when I ponder upon Quran, it is amazing
Cheers _________________ |
Wed 03 Nov, 2010 3:15 pm |
Ervin Pawn

Status:  Age: 46 Faith: Gender:
Zodiac:  Joined: Nov 02, 2010
Posts: 10

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AhmedBahgat wrote:
Salam mate
I found my meditation very relaxing when I ponder upon Quran, it is amazing
I have ordered a couple of sufi meditation books this mornirng from the book depository. I think that they specialise on what to call it, I supose Islamic meditation. I should try it out.
Thanks |
Wed 03 Nov, 2010 3:21 pm |
AhmedBahgat Site Admin

Status:  Age: 59 Faith: Islam Gender:
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Salam Ervin
Forget the Sufi sect and Buddhism, I would like you to share with us how you managed to revert back to Islam (I assumed that you are a Muslim, not that it is important what religion you follow), however I noticed that you said that your background was Christianity, so I assumed that you reverted to Islam from Christianity
Now I consider those like you to be far more stronger in belief than many who were born Muslims already, this is because I believe that changing the religion which we were born with is something that is really hard, so I applaud you if you did that, but I still would like to know how you managed to reject the religion of your fathers and grandfathers then embrace another religion
Cheers _________________ |
Wed 03 Nov, 2010 3:25 pm |
AhmedBahgat Site Admin

Status:  Age: 59 Faith: Islam Gender:
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AhmedBahgat wrote:
Salam mate
I found my meditation very relaxing when I ponder upon Quran, it is amazing
Ervin wrote:
I have ordered a couple of sufi meditation books this mornirng from the book depository. I think that they specialise on what to call it, I supose Islamic meditation. I should try it out.
I actually advice you not to be carried away with that Sufi Islamic sect reading, I know a lot of people who claim to be Sufis and sorry, I don't consider them even Muslims
I believe the Quran should be the best Meditation for any serious believer
I have read many of Sufi writers and I think that many of them are full of shit, sort of creating another FEEL GOOD religion, so watch out bro
See, this verse:
الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَتَطْمَئِنُّ قُلُوبُهُمْ بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ ۗ أَلَا بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ (28)
Those who have believed while whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah. Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured.
[Al Quran ; 13:28]
Therefore, if mediation should make your heart and mind relaxed, then I say Quran mediation is the best as read in the above verse, this is because through your Quran meditation, you will be remembering Allah a lot through His own words, not through the human words who are fond of saying about Allah what they do not know.
Cheers _________________ |
Wed 03 Nov, 2010 3:41 pm |
Ervin Pawn

Status:  Age: 46 Faith: Gender:
Zodiac:  Joined: Nov 02, 2010
Posts: 10

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Thanks for your advice Ahmed, I supose there are many distractions away from true Islam.
My father is Muslim from Montenegro and my mother is orthodox Christian from Serbia. So I do have half Islamic background. However religion was never forced on to me by my parents. I have gone through a stage were I was a Deist for example because Theism seemed a bit rough.
My intuition and experiences tell me that Quran is the truth and that it makes sense(after alot of contemplaiting) so I supose I am a liberal God alone muslim. So I reject sunism wich is my fathers branch of Islam and obviously I am not a Christian like my mother.
Like you know I live in Australia were its easy to change religion and be what you want to be. For example I could make a lot of friends that I don't otherwise because they are suni muslims. I mean all the ex Yugoslav community.
So I supose you have to make some sacrifices in order to be a folower in what you truly believe and in my case thats Quran alone.
Thanks |
Wed 03 Nov, 2010 4:34 pm |
Ervin Pawn

Status:  Age: 46 Faith: Gender:
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I left out something important and thats that at times I think like a Deist agnostic. Probably because of my past. Anyway if someone somehow was to prove that I am wrong I would ofcourse exept the news as long as its based on evidence of some sort.
Thanks |
Wed 03 Nov, 2010 5:29 pm |
BMZ Moderator

Status:  Age: 76 Faith: Islam Gender:
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Ervin wrote:
Thanks for your advice Ahmed, I supose there are many distractions away from true Islam.
My father is Muslim from Montenegro and my mother is orthodox Christian from Serbia. So I do have half Islamic background. However religion was never forced on to me by my parents. I have gone through a stage were I was a Deist for example because Theism seemed a bit rough.
My intuition and experiences tell me that Quran is the truth and that it makes sense(after alot of contemplaiting) so I supose I am a liberal God alone muslim. So I reject sunism wich is my fathers branch of Islam and obviously I am not a Christian like my mother.
Like you know I live in Australia were its easy to change religion and be what you want to be. For example I could make a lot of friends that I don't otherwise because they are suni muslims. I mean all the ex Yugoslav community.
So I supose you have to make some sacrifices in order to be a folower in what you truly believe and in my case thats Quran alone.
Hello, Ervin
You wrote: "My intuition and experiences tell me that Quran is the truth and that it makes sense(after a lot of contemplating) so I suppose I am a liberal God alone muslim."
That is what a true Muslim should believe in. Qur'aan is The Scripture of Islam.
Wed 03 Nov, 2010 6:27 pm |
Ervin Pawn

Status:  Age: 46 Faith: Gender:
Zodiac:  Joined: Nov 02, 2010
Posts: 10

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BMZ, some of the reasons that I believe in God is because of human characteristics, such as good and evil.
The actual evil that I see and experience is a big factor in me turning to Quran for answers. The presence of it makes me believe that there is somone behind that unholy emotion that people project. That someone being satan. Now since the Quran mentions him I have naturaly ended up believing it.
There are times when I had doubts like after reading the aleged contradictions in the Quran that you can find on the internet. But there are muslims who have given satisfactory answers as to why are those not contradictions, the only problem was it took a while before I got the answers. Some reasoning I could have aplied my self but for some I neded others help.
Thanks |
Wed 03 Nov, 2010 8:27 pm |
AhmedBahgat Site Admin

Status:  Age: 59 Faith: Islam Gender:
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Ervin wrote:
BMZ, some of the reasons that I believe in God is because of human characteristics, such as good and evil.
The actual evil that I see and experience is a big factor in me turning to Quran for answers. The presence of it makes me believe that there is somone behind that unholy emotion that people project. That someone being satan. Now since the Quran mentions him I have naturaly ended up believing it.
There are times when I had doubts like after reading the aleged contradictions in the Quran that you can find on the internet. But there are muslims who have given satisfactory answers as to why are those not contradictions, the only problem was it took a while before I got the answers. Some reasoning I could have aplied my self but for some I neded others help.
Salam bro
Very well said; that is exactly the way I see it too, because of the existence of good and evil by the same creature (mankind)
I actually believe that humans cannot be created with evil nature in them, otherwise Allah would have not punish them, this is because He created them with evil inside them by design. Therefore, what I believe that there is an unseen force that manipulates the individuals from mankind to commit evil and even think of it as the common way. That is why we see evil deeds more than good ones
The fact remains intact, that in the eyes of Allah, the evil ones have to be separated from the good ones, one day:
قُل لاَّ يَسْتَوِي الْخَبِيثُ وَالطَّيِّبُ وَلَوْ أَعْجَبَكَ كَثْرَةُ الْخَبِيثِ فَاتَّقُواْ اللّهَ يَا أُوْلِي الأَلْبَابِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ (100)
Say: Not equal are the evil and the good, although the abundance of the evil might impress you. So fear Allah, O people who possess minds that you may succeed.
[Al Quran ; 5:100]
Salam _________________ |
Wed 03 Nov, 2010 9:14 pm |